Review: Amazonliss Keratin Smoothing Treatment by Nutree

Sometime last year, I reviewed this Amazonliss Keratin Smoothing Treatment by Nutree when my hair wasn’t bleached and dyed to its breaking point. Tonight, I tried it again with my significantly less healthy and more frizzy, dry hair. The results are pretty good considering what I started with.

Here’s how my hair looked before and after, and yes they are mirror images:

Overall, my hair feels softer and smoother, but it also smells really nice. It’s still a little frizzy from hair drying, and I did dry as much as possible to see how well it turned out. I think it definitely looks nicer straightened and some of its former shine is back too. It would probably be more noticeable if my hair were darker (like the last time I tried it), still now my hair needed it more.

I kind of got addicted to bleaching my hair for awhile, and it was a silly and crazy ride according to the hair stylist who eventually brought me back down to earth. I’m a good candidate to try this product out now that my hair’s so dry and damaged from bleaching and coloring. My hair may be a little to thin and fine for this particular treatment, so it still looks kind of feathery.

However, I still think this Amazonliss Keratin Smoothing treatment has improved my hair and I fully recommend it to anyone with damaged, frizzy, and dull hair.

Here’s a photo of the packaging and directions:

Amazonliss Brazilian Keratin Treatment by Nutree Cosmetics
Amazonliss Keratin Smoothing Treatment by Nutree


New flat iron is so pretty!

I’ve been waiting on getting a flat iron since I moved up to SF without one, so I finally managed to get the Conair Infiniti Pro Rainbow titanium flat iron. It was mostly because it was pretty, but it turns out titanium flat irons are recommended for these keratin treatments. I don’t normally heat style my hair at all, but I was actually excited to try out this flat iron.

Here’s my quick tutorial on how to use this product:

Amazonliss Keratin Smoothing Treatment by Nutree

Step 1 Anti Residue Shampoo

I started off with the Anti Residue Shampoo, which is recommended to leave on for 5 minutes. The shampoo is pretty light and smells nice, so I was fine leaving it on longer than usual.

After shampooing and rinsing, you have to blow dry your hair until it’s 85% dry. I’m more an air drying than a blow drying type, but I did find this part easy enough. I didn’t section my hair because I don’t have any decent hair clips, also I’m pretty bad at it. I’d say it’s optional, though it might make the Brazilian Smoothing Treatment application easier.

Step 2 Brazilian Smoothing Treatment

Last time I tried this, I didn’t see any gloves included. Maybe there were some included, but I missed them. This time, I made sure to use the included gloves because I remembered how much my fingers burned not having gloves on. Definitely don’t forget the gloves for this step!

After applying the Brazilian Smoothing Treatment with a fine toothed comb, you have to dry your hair with your hair dryer set to cool. I guess all the heat is saved for the flat iron which requires 8 to 10 times from roots to middle of strands and 4 to 6 times through the ends. They recommend temperatures between 380 to 450 degrees F or less for damaged hair. I ended up using less because of my newness to the flat iron. I probably used the flat iron only a few times, so it may not have been enough.

Post flat iron, only several times

Step 3 Intensive Repair Mask

After the flat ironing, you rinse your hair again and apply the Intensive Repair Mask. I left it on 5 minutes, though the directions say 3 to 5 minutes. Then you blow dry your hair again to see the final results.


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