Happy Year of the Dragon
A week late to say Happy Chinese New Year, but 2012 is still the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese calendar. My dad is born in the year of the dragon, but I don’t know of any other dragons – there are probably some people born in 1976 and 1988 that are also dragons. I have family visiting from Taiwan right now, so almost everyone is speaking Chinese. Mine is a bit rusty, but I understand a little.
This site was down a bit last week due to hacking issues (not taken down by them, but someone using my domain to host phishing sites and spam people). I discovered it a week after it had been added to my site thanks to an email from CloudFlare, but my web host accused me of sending spam and suspended my account temporarily. After I explained to them that I was not spamming or sending any emails at all, they reinstated it after removing the files that I had already attempted to remove.
This site was up and running soon after, but I did have another issue with permalinks which was easily fixed after a quick Google search. It’s nice that so many people use WordPress that it makes technical questions easy to answer. The many free themes available is also nice, though the premium ones are generally not free and usually better. My theme is premium and it was free thanks to a special deal, but that seems kind of rare. A lot of companies seem to look for people who can edit and customize themes, not something I’ve tried yet – but definitely something that would be interesting to try.
Soon after creating my mobile portfolio, I found a company called Octomobi that allows anyone to make a free mobile webapp, here’s the one I created: www.octomobi.com/porcupiny
It uses the same JQuery mobile gallery plugin PhotoSwipe I used on my mobile site, so I guess I’m doing something right.
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